Super-Dimensional Fortress
The Super-Dimentional Fortress (SDF) is a publix access UNIX system
running NetBSD. It is run by Stephen M. Jones (smj). Most features
require remote logins via ssh. It has lots of social features like
real-time chat, email, bulletin boards, Mastadon, MUDs, web-hosting,
gopher hosting, and more. It also has a web store where people can buy
SDF started as a bulletin board system (BBS) running on an Apple IIe
microcomputer in 1987 in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas in the
United States.
-The original server was hosted in Texas.
-It predates the World Wide Web.
-It is one of the earliest "social networks" on the Internet.
gopher://khzae.net/0/phiki/viewhistory%3F47988734fc2fef7dd81ef8d69f95f63035817f2b SDF